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( errua)

  • 1 errua egin

    to make a mistake, commit an error

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > errua egin

  • 2 erru

    [from Rom., cf. Cast. yerro "mistake"] iz.
    a. blame; i-i \errua {gaineratu || leporatu} to lay the blame on sb | to lay the blame on sb
    b. ( erantzukizuna duena) fault; zuk daukazu \errua | zeurea da \errua it's your fault!; \errua norena zen jakiteko to find out who is to blame
    2. ( akatsa) fault, shortcoming, deficiency, defect, flaw
    3. ( okerra) mistake, error, lapse; zenbait \erru izan zenituen azterketan you made several mistakes on your test; \erruz esan zuen he said it by mistake ; \erruz egin zuten they did it {by mistake || in error}
    4. \erru gaiztoko resentful ; \erru oneko i. ( esker oneko) thankful, grateful cil agradecido ii. ( ondare handiko) with a big inheritance Oharra: ikus oharra mistake sarreran
    iz. ( kemena) energy, vigor, vim io.
    1. (NG) ( kementsu) energetic, dashing
    2. ( haizea) strong

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > erru

  • 3 egotzi

    1. to throw, hurl (- ra: into) ; putzura \egotzi zuen he threw it into the well; lurrera \egotzi zuen he threw it to the ground Oharra: ikus oharra throw sarreran
    2. Med. ( goitikatu, oka egin) to throw up
    3. ( ura, ardoa, e.a.) to pour
    4. ( hitz gordina, biraoa)
    a. to hurl
    b. i-i begizkoa \egotzi to cast an evil eye on sb
    a. ( kanporatu) to throw out, expel echar
    b. ( espiritu gaiztoa) to cast out
    6. ( kea) to belch out, hurl out
    7. ( itzala) to cast ; haritzak \egotzi zuen itzala the oak cast its shadow
    8. ( jarri, ipini)
    a. to give; -(r)i izengoi-tia \egotzi to nickname sb
    b. ( atxikitu) to attribute ; Jainkoari egotzen diogu soilik gizonari dagokiona we attribute to God that which is only attributable to man
    a. ( bertan behera utzi) to abandon to the elements
    b. ( galdu) to have a miscarriage
    10. ( ale) to bear, produce
    11. (irud.)
    a. i-r kargutik \egotzi to depose, overthrow, remove from office
    b. ( hobena, errua) to put ; i-i {errua || hobena} to put the blame on sb; sutea niri \egotzi didate they blamed the fire on me
    c. hartaz egozten du bere gogoa that's what he sets his mind on
    d. e-i sua \egotzi to set fire to sth
    e. -(r)i begi \egotzi to set one's eyes on
    12. i-r bekatutara \egotzi to lead sb to sin
    13. ( epaia, ebazpena) to reach, pronounce
    a. ( azpiratu) to throw down; erraldoiak \egotziko ditu the giant will throw him down
    b. ( etxea) to tear down, demolish
    c. ( espiritua) to depress, get sb down ; batzutan gauzarik xumeenek egozten naute sometimes the slightest thing can get me down
    d. ( begiak) to cast down ; buru apaldurik eta begiak \egotzirik with his head lowered and eyes cast down
    15. ( eragin, bultzarazi) to drive, propel; ontziari behar bezalako ibilia \egotzi to drive the ship at the necessary speed
    16. norbere burua \egotzi to commit suicide da/ad.
    1. to hurl o.s., pounce; \egotzi zen etsaien artera he hurled himself at his enemies
    2. ( eroria) to fall, plummet

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > egotzi

  • 4 ezarri

    [from *e-r(a)-arr-i (causative of "jarri")] iz. bet io. gaixo \ezarria gravely ill du/ad.
    a. to put, place, lay down; teilatua ezartzeko in order to lay the tile down; koroa buruan \ezarri zioten they placed the crown on his head
    b. ( eskuak) to lay (- (e)an, gainean: on)
    c. ( liburua mahaian, e.a.) to lay, place
    d. ( instalatu) to install; telefonoa \ezarri to install a telephone
    e. ( harriak eraztunean, e.a.) to set
    a. ( izena) to give; Josiah izena \ezarri zioten they gave him the Josiah
    b. ( lanpostura) to name; gobernadore \ezarri dute (s)he has been named governor
    a. ( p.) to place (in a job), find a {post || job} for
    b. ( soldaduak) to station, post, place
    4. Fin.
    a. ( eskaria) to place
    b. ( dirua) to deposit
    c. ( diru enpresa batean) to place (- (e)an: in), invest ( -(e)an: in), sink (- (e)an: into) ; zertan \ezarri zuen dirua? what did he invest his money in?
    a. ( norbaitek bestea lurrera) to knock down, throw down; lurrera \ezarri zuen he knocked him to the ground
    b. ( ardoa, e.a.) to put; ardoari ura \ezarri to water down the wine; ez diot kafeari azukrerik ezartzen I don't put any sugar in my coffee
    a. ( zergak) to put, impose (- (e)an: on)
    b. ( egitekoa, eginbeharra, zigorra) to impose (- (e)an: on) ; Hego Afrikari diru-zigorrak \ezarri zizkioten sanctions were imposed on South Africa; i-i heriotz-zigorra \ezarri to impose the death penalty on sb
    c. ( inposatu) to impose; \ezarri dizkiguten diktadoreak dictators that they have imposed upon us; errusiera bortxaz ezartzen violently imposing Russian; 100 euroko isuna \ezarri zioten he was fined 100 euros | they imposed a 100 euro fine on him
    d. preso \ezarri zuten they took him prisoner
    a. ( eratu) to set up, establish
    b. ( neurriak) to take; langabeziaren aurka \ezarri diren neurriak measures which have been taken against unemployment
    8. ( moldatu) to adapt, settle down; zuk ez zenuke \ezarriko you wouldn't adapt
    9. ( errua, hobena) to put; Xabierri errua \ezarri zioten they put the blame on Xabier; errugabeari \ezarri diote delitua they pinned the crime on the innocent one
    10. ( koplak) to compose
    11. ( xaxatu) to sic (- (r)i: on) da/ad.
    1. ( pausatu) to perch; txoriaadarrean \ezarri zen the bird perched on the branch
    2. ( elurra lurrean, e.a.) to take hold, cover
    3. zoriona ez da ondasunetan ezartzen happiness does not rest on riches

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezarri

  • 5 huts

    1. ( errua) mistake, error
    b. ( kulpa, errua, hobena) fault; zure \hutsa izan da it was our fault!
    c. Kir. foul, error
    d. (Inp.) erratum; \hutsak errata
    2. ( mentsa, eza) lack, absence, dearth ; etxean badute \huts nabarmen bat: komunik ez there's one obvious thing they lack at home: a toilet ; baten \hutsean i. with one missing ii. with one to go
    b. ( beharra) need; \hutsak bete to {fill || meet} needs
    a. flaw, mistake; \huts bat egin gabe without making a mistake | flawlessly
    b. Tek. failure, breakdown
    c. ( p.) shortcoming, flaw
    a. void, emptiness ; halako \huts bat sentitzen nuen bihotzean I felt such a void in my heart
    b. nothing; baina akats hori \hutsa da besteen aldean but that mistake is nothing compared to others; \hutsetik hasi i. to start from scratch ii. ( hizkuntza bat ikasten) to start from the very beginning; e-r \hutsetik sortu to create sth out of nothing
    c. (esa.) helburuak hauts eta \huts bihurtu zitzaizkion his goals come to absolutely nothing; \huts edo bete willynilly | any which way ; zer dira hangotarrak? — \hutsa, ezer ez gure aldean what are people from over there? — zilch, nothing compared to us ; \hutsaren hurrengoa da he's a {nothing || cypher}; \hutsera etorri to come to nothing; \hutsean eduki to look down on | to despise
    a. nothing, nought (GB), zero, zip Argot., zilch Argot.
    b. ( zenbakia) o, zero; zenbakia hauxe da: lau \huts \huts bi the number is: four o o two
    c. Kir. nil (GB), zero; lau eta \huts four to {nil (GB) || zero (USA) } io.
    a. empty; poltsa \huts batean in an empty bag
    b. ( auzoa) empty, uninhabited
    c. ( intxaur, gaztaina) empty, dud
    d. (esa.) \huts edo bete anywhich way | trusting to luck
    a. mere, simple, common; gizona abere \hutsa da man is a mere animal; pentsatze \hutsak beldurrez jartzen nau the mere thought of it scares me
    b. euskara \hutsez i. in plain Basque ii. only in Basque; euskara \hutsezko egunkari bat a Basque-only newspaper | a newspaper only in Basque
    c. ( p.) euskaldun \hutsa da he's {pure || absolutely} Basque; mozkor \hutsa da he's {a total || absolute} drunk; ergel \hutsa da he's a total idiot
    d. ( kafea, e.a.) plain
    e. ( probokazioa) sheer; adierazpen horiek probokazio \hutsa direla iruditzen zait, eta ez dugu probokazio horretan erori nahi those statements are, in my opinion, sheer provocation and we do not wish to fall in the trap of provoking
    a. pure, unadulterated; ezti \hutsa pure honey
    b. poesia \hutsa {sheer ||pure} poetry
    c. (esa.) gau \hutsean in pitch dark

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > huts

  • 6 oker

    1. ( errua, hutsa) mistake, wrong, error, lapse; \okerrak zuzendu to right wrongs; \okerreko kalea da it's the wrong street; \okerrean egon to be in the wrong | to be wrong
    2. ( hobena, kulpa, errua) blame, fault; i-i \okerra egotzi to {put || pin} the blame on sb
    3. ( gaiztakeria) wrong, wrongful act; \okerrak egin ditu he's committed some wrongful things
    4. ( ezbeharra) misfortune; \okerrik baletorkio formala. if misfortune befell him formala.
    a. ( kaltea) damage
    b. ( galera) loss; bestela egitera, seina euroko \okerra izango dut if I do so otherwise, I'll wind up losing six euros for each one
    6. ( iraina) affront, slight; ez diogu inori \oker egin nahi we do not wish to slight anyone
    7. ( bihurdura) warp, bending; habe horrek \oker handia du that beam is sagging a lot io.
    1. wrong; \oker edo zuzen | \oker edo artez right or wrong
    a. ( adarra, makila) crooked, bent
    b. ( bidea) winding, tortuous
    3. ( txarra, gaiztoa)
    a. ( grina) perverted, debauched
    b. ( ideia) warped, perverted, twisted
    4. \okerrago worse; \okerren worst; \okerrenean ere at worst adb.
    1. crookedly; txapela \oker zeraman he wore his hat crooked
    2. wrongly; \oker aditu to mishear, hear wrongly; \oker erabili to misuse

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > oker

  • 7 aitortu

    1. ( huts bat adierazi, e.a.)
    a. to admit, confess; bere errua \aitortu zuen he admitted his mistake
    b. Leg. to declare, confess
    c. ( aduanan) to declare
    2. Kristau. to hear the confession of, confess; erretoreak atsoa \aitortu zuen the priest heard the old woman' s confession
    3. ( onartu, ezagutu)
    a. to admit, acknowledge, confess; azkenean \aitortu zidan arrazoi nuela in the end he admitted to me that I was right
    b. to declare
    4. ( jakinarazi) to testify; odolez \aitortu to testify with one' s blood
    5. ( eman) [ dio ] to grant; besteari \aitortu\\\aitortuzioten eskubidea the other one was granted the right da/ad. Kristau. to confess

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aitortu

  • 8 akats

    a. notch, indentation
    b. ( erabiliaren erabiliz eragindakoa) nick, chip; \akatsez betetako aizkora a chipped axe
    2. Nekaz. ( ardiei d.) cut, notch
    a. fault, defect
    b. ( legeari d.) gap, loophole
    c. Leg. flaw, error; formazko \akats minor {error || omission}
    d. ( errua) mistake, error; \akatsak zuzendu to correct mistakes; \akats txikiak, larriak, eta nabarmenak small, great and gaping mistakes; Oharra: ikus oharra mistake sarreran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > akats

  • 9 alabaina

    interj. of course, indeed; ez al du ukatu? — \alabaina, denek ikusi dute! didn' t she deny it? — indeed she did, everyone saw her!; ez zuten ezer jan nahi, janaria bera, \alabaina, txar-txarra baitzen they did not wish to eat anything, for indeed the food was extremely bad junt.
    1. however, nevertheless; handi da zure errua, \alabaina handiago horren ondorioa great is your mistake and greater still are its consequences
    2. since; \alabaina maite zaituztenak badituzue maite, zer sari izanen duzue? if you love only those who love you, what rewards can you expect?; \alabaina gauza goratu guztiak ez dira santu since all lofty things are not holy

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > alabaina

  • 10 aldrebeskeria

    iz. (B)
    1. awkwardness, clumsiness
    2. ( errua) mistake, blunder, faux pas; \aldrebeskeria haundiak esan dituzue you' ve said some big blunders
    3. ( txorakeria) nonsense

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aldrebeskeria

  • 11 atxiki

    1. ( = lotura) connection
    2. ( menpe) haien \atxikian he' s dominated by them
    a. Kir.
    a. ( borrokari d.) hold
    b. ( pilotari d.) holdover; \atxiki lasterra quick holdover
    4. Kir. wicker scoop, wicker basket; \atxiki handi large wicker basket; \atxiki tipi small wicker basket io.
    1. tied, attached; diruari \atxikiegia da he' s too attached to his money; Anje euskal kultuari \atxikia da Anje to committed to Basque culture
    2. ( xuhurra, zekena) miserly, stingy; gizon \atxikiak adiskide gutxi a miser has few friendss
    3. ( eskola) member du/ad.
    1. ( heldu, eduki) to hold, hold on to
    2. ( eduki, mantendu) to keep, maintain; bizitza osoan bihotza garbi \atxiki zuen he kept a pure heart throughout his life; garbi \atxiki bihotza! keep a pure heart!; gogoz \atxiki to bear in mind |to remember; oreka \atxiki ezinik, erori zen unable to maintain his balance, he fell down
    a. ( eutsi) to hold back; nigarra ezin nezakeen \atxiki hori aditzean I couldn' t hold back my tears when I heard that
    b. sekretu bat erranen dizut baina \atxiki behar diozu I' ll tell you the secret but keep it to yourself; beren ohiturei irmo \atxikirik jarraitzen dute they continue to hold fast to their traditions
    b. Med. to retain
    c. Fin. to withhold ( -tik: from)
    a. to stick ( -(r)i: to) to stick to; bideari \atxiki zion he keeps to the road
    b. ( legea, araua) to observe, abide by; legeari \atxikiz in compliance with the law
    c. ( hitza) to stick to, adhere to, stick by
    d. ( gauzak) to stick, glue; bi ohol kolaz \atxiki to glue two boards together
    e. (irud.) nork bereari \atxiki mantenerse en sus trence
    5. Kir. to block
    6. ( atxilotu) to arrest, detain; mugan \atxiki zuten he was detained at the border
    a. ( hegaztiak, insektuak) to bite
    b. to bite, nibble; ogiari \atxiki zion he took a {bite || nibble} out of the bread
    8. i-i errua \atxiki to pin the blame on sb
    9. (L) to be a godfather to
    10. ( hartu, eduki, jo) to hold, consider; gizon zuzentzat \atxikitzendute they hold him to be an honest man
    11. Kartak. ( onartu) to accept; A: 3 hamarekoz B: \atxiki! A: I wager 3 B: you' re on!
    12. ( izeki) [ dio ] to catch; sua datxekio etxeari the house is on fire; egur hezeak egiten du gar eta egiten du negar: sua datxekio eta ura dario wood that is wet burns and cries: it is on fire and water comes out da/ad. [ zaio ]
    1. ( eutsi) to cling; hormari atxekitzen zaion huntza bezala like ivy clinging to a wall
    2. esandakoari datxekiola in reference to what has been said benetako arrakasta lan neketsuari datxekio true success goes hand in hand with hard work

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atxiki

  • 12 bera

    1. same; gauza \bera da it's the same thing; ohe berean in the same bed ; dendan ikusi duen emakumea \bera ikusi du plazan he's seen the {same || very} woman he saw in the shop
    a. himself gizonezkoa., herself emakumezkoa., itself; lehendakaria \bera etorri zen the president himself came; lehendakariak \berak egin zuen the president himself did it
    b. (plurala) they themselves ; euskaldunek berek dute errua they themselves are to blame izo. he gizonezkoa., she emakumezkoa., it ; \berak eta ez bestek erabaki behar duen gauza da it's a matter that must be decided by him and no others; sarritan izan naiz \beraren etxean I've been several times at his house; orain urte asko, aitak esan zigun nola egin zuen ibilaldi bat basoan zehar \beraren lagun zahar batekin, Bringhurst epailearekin many years ago my father told us about going for a walk through the woods with an old friend, Judge Bringhurst
    1. (biguna) soft
    2. benign

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bera

  • 13 beraiek

    erak. they themselves; \beraiek dute errua they themselves are to blame izo. they

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > beraiek

  • 14 bota

    iz. boot; i-i \bota eman give sb the boot; mendiko \botak mountain boots; zaldiz ibiltzeko \botaak riding boots
    1. (egotzi, jaurtiki)
    a. (oro.) to throw, toss, pitch, fling, cast; e-r uretara \bota to throw sth into the water; bekaturik ez duena \bota diezaiola lehenengo harria let he who is without sin cast the first stone
    b. (txanpona) to toss
    c. (aingura) to weigh
    d. (dadoa) to throw, cast
    a. (ardoa, ura, e.a. zerbitzatu) to pour, pour out; aizu, \bota sagardo gehiago! hey, pour me some more cider!
    b. (izerdia) to pour out; izerdia \bota behar da you have to sweat
    c. malkoak \bota zituen (s)he shed tears
    a. Sukal. to add (- ra: to)
    b. sutara ikatza \bota to put coal on the fire
    a. (etxea) to tear down, demolish, pull down
    b. tiroz \bota nuen I gunned him down
    a. (p.) to throw out, chuck out Lagunart., turf Argot., eject formala. ; etxetik \bota zuen he threw him out of the house; bere burua leihotik \bota eta hil zen he threw himself out of the window and killed himself
    b. (langilea, enplegatua) to fire, dismiss
    d. (kargutik) to throw out (- tik: of), oust (- tik: from)
    f. (zabor,e.a.) to throw out, throw away;
    g. (alferrik galdu) to throw away, waste; hori dirua \botaa da that's wasting money!; hori dirua \botatzea da that's throwing money away
    h. (amak umea, nahi gabe) to miscarry i. (urdailetik) to throw up, vomit; gibelak ahotik \bota zuen he threw his guts up
    6. (erion, jario)
    a. (kea) to belch out, give off
    b. (gasa) to give off, give out, emit
    a. (bertsoa) to come out with, come up with; Manukortak Lazkao Txikiri \bota zion bertso hau Manukorta come up with this verse for Lazkao Txiki
    b. zer edo zer galdetuko al dizut? \emdash \bota! can I ask you some-thing? \emdash shoot! ; hitzgorri galantak \bota zituen he let out some hair-curling cuss words; ez, nireak eta asto beltzarenak \bota gabe not without my giving him a piece of my mind
    8. (igaro, eman) to spend, have; egun zoragarria \bota genuen Lekeition we spent a wonderful day in Lekeitio
    a. (kimu berri) to sprout, put forth
    b. (sustrai) sustraiak \bota to take root
    10. Met. bihar elur gehiago \botako du it'll snow some more tomorrow; goiak \bota ahala \botako du it'll rain like crazy
    11. (erdarakadak) puzkerra \bota\\\bota to fart; i-i errua \bota to blame sb
    12. (-tzat hartu) onera \bota to take... to be good; txarrera \bota to take... to be bad Oharra: bota duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., faltan bota aurkitzeko, bila ezazu falta adieran io. Argot.
    1. to throw o.s., jump
    2. (uretara) to dive, jump
    Jakingarria: Norbaiti zerbait botatzen badiozu, kalte egin nahian, to throw at esan behar da. Norbaiti zer edo zer botatzen badiozu harrapa dezan, to throw to esaten da.
    iz. (I) Kir. serve du/ad. Kir. to serve

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bota

  • 15 deskuidu

    iz. Lagunart.
    1. carelessness, negligence, slackness
    2. ( errua, e.a.) mistake, overlook

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > deskuidu

  • 16 eratxiki

    1. to stick, adhere (- (r)i: to)
    2. ( eratorri) to derive (- (r)i: from) du/ad.
    a. to stick; hitz bati atzizki bat \eratxiki to stick a suffix onto a word
    b. (irud.) to adhere
    2. ( gehitu) to add, adjoin, join (- (r)i: to) ; Transvaal inperioari \eratxiki zioten Transvaal was added to the empire; Luzaidekook, Hego Euskal Herriari \eratxikiak izanik ere, Garazikoak gara we people from Luzaide, even though we're attached to the Southern Basque Country, are really from Donebane-Garazi; letra bat ez bakarra ere ez kendu eta ez \eratxikiz not adding nor taking away a single letter
    b. to annex
    c. (irud.) to add, throw in ; liburuari bizi apurtxo bat \eratxiki zion he added a bit of zest to the book
    3. ( errua, e.a.) to attribute, credit, ascribe (- (r)i: to)
    4. to couple, join
    5. (L) ( piztu, irazeki) to light

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eratxiki

  • 17 hoben

    [extracted from " hobendu"from Lat. "offendere"] iz.
    1. ( errua, hutsa)
    a. fault; zurea da \hobena it's your fault; hori ez da haien \hobena but it's not their fault | but they are not to blame
    b. wrong, blunder, mistake, fault; haien \hobenak gaitzetsi zituzten they condemned their blunders
    2. Kristau. ( bekatua) sin, transgression; gozoz, hitzaz, and eginez izan ditugun \hobenak the transgressions that we've gladly committed in our minds, words, and deeds; \hobenik gabeko gizona a man without sin; jatorrizko \hoben original transgression
    3. ( krimena) crime; \hobenak goraka ari dira crime is going up

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hoben

  • 18 labainkeria

    1. frivolity, triviality
    2. ( aldiberatasuna) fickleness, wishywashiness
    3. slipperiness
    4. ( errua) slipup

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > labainkeria

  • 19 larri

    [from lar (excess) + i] iz.
    1. ( larritasuna) anguish, anxiety, distress consternation; zuzendari ikusi beharrak ematen zion \larria having to see the director distressed him; \larri bizian zegoen he was in great anguish; oi nire \larria! oh what anguish
    a. \larriak [ izen plurala ] beldurrak eta \larriak fears and anxieties
    b. xehe eta \larriak the great and the small
    c. \larriak bota to throw up
    3. fragment, chunk; harri \larri bat a {piece || chunk} of stone
    4. \larrian saldu to wholesale io.
    a. ( handia, handigaitza) great, immense; kezka \larriak sortu ditu it's caused great concern; gizon \larri bat a huge man ; haurrak eta jende \larria children and grownup people
    b. ( letra) capital, big; letra \larriak eta xeheak capital and small letters ; letra \larriz idatzita printed out | written in block letters
    c. ( bekatua, hobena) mortal
    d. ( gatza, e.a.) coarse
    e. ( errua, hutsa) serious, grave
    f. ( haurdun) \larri dago she's about due
    a. critical, grave, acute, momentous; gertakaririk \larriena the most critical event; une \larrietan in critical moments; heriotzako ordu \larrian at the momentous hour of death; euskararen egoera \larria the critical situation of Basque
    b. ( garrantzi handikoa) considerable, great; kalte \larriak egin zituen it caused {considerable || great || tremendous} damage; kalte \larriak egin zituen it caused {considerable || great || tremendous} damage; bada beste arrisku are \larriagorik there's another even greater risk
    3. ( estua, kezka bizia sortzen duena)
    a. hard, tough, difficult; biziera \larri hard life
    b. distressed, grieved, troubled, perturbed; izerdi \larri nervous sweat
    c. ( ezinegon) anxious, restless
    d. ( beldurti) fearful, alarmed
    a. ( latza) rough; zolu \larri rough floor
    b. ( gogorra) tough, hard; hitz \larriz manatuko duzu you'll keep him in his place by talking tough
    5. ( harroa) smug, proud
    6. ( esa.) \larriak bota to throw up, barf Argot. adb.
    1. anxiously; semeaz \larri dago he's distressed over his son; zer gertatu zaizu horren \larri egoteko what's happened to you for you to be so distressed?; \larri(rik) nago nola egingo dudan I'm anguishing over how I'm going to do it; zorrez josita, \larri zebilen burdened by debt, he was {distressed || anxious}; nire bihotz triste eta \larri dago my heart is sorrowful and troubled; \larri eta ito beharrean egon to be absolutely fed up | to be sick and tired of it
    2. Aita \larri dago, ez du luzaroan iraungo Father is seriously ill, he won't last long
    3. (esa.) \larri ibili I bet (s)he does; j asoko ote du Perurenak harri hori? — ba, baietz esango nuke, oraingoan \larri ibili! will Perurena be able to lift that stone? — well, I'd say he will, I bet he does this time!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > larri

  • 20 leporatu

    1. ( zama) to put on one's shoulders
    2. to charge with responsibility
    3. ( errua) to blame (- (r)i: sb)
    4. ( z.o.) to attribute da/ad. to arrive at the hill, {get || come} to the hillside

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > leporatu

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